Friday, February 25, 2011

First Month

Well, the first month has come and gone so quickly. Being a mom has come pretty naturally. It's so strange how your instincts seem to kick in and somehow you just "know" things - and you didn't even have to take a class!

Jackson has been wonderful. He is such a good baby! We're pretty lucky that so far he's been a decent sleeper (will go about 4 to 5 hours before waking up to eat, and then will sleep for another 3 after that). He also isn't too awfully fussy. He's also a good eater, and has eaten approximately every 3 hours since birth (a lot easier than 1 1/2 to 2 that some people tell me they've had to do).

We feel so blessed to have a healthy, growing baby boy. At his last appointment, at 5 weeks, he weighed 11lbs 1oz, and was 24 inches long (at birth he was 8lbs 4.6oz, and 21.5 inches).

I love that now he is starting to smile some and is focusing on our faces a lot. I just can't wait to see his personality come through. Who is this kid?? Will he be more chill like his dad, or a little more type A like his mom? As much as I want to know, I'm in no hurry to have him grown up. I'm just trying to enjoy these moments because before I know it, we'll be shipping him off to college (cringe).

Here are the things I know about Jackson so far:

1) He's a cuddler. He loves to sleep on your chest and finds a way to get his little head right in the crux of your neck. It's too sweet!

2) He loves his hands in his mouth. Must have been like that in the womb. His obsession led us to disregard most reading to the contrary and introduce a pacifier after week one. He is definitely a "binki boy".

3) He loves baths. He gives us this furrowed brow look while in the bath, but he never fusses. Maybe he'll be a swimmer?

4) He doesn't mind the dogs at all. They sometimes come up and kiss him and he just turns away, but doesn't freak out at all.

5) He travels well. We had our first trip (4 hours back to Salem, VA) and he slept well in his car seat.

6) He's a pooping champ. I'm glad I haven't started cloth diapers quite yet, because I'm not sure I could afford to buy enough to keep up with the laundry this kid would create right now.

We can't wait to learn more about our little man! Here's to month two!

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