Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My Not So Little Man - And Summer Review


A long long overdue update is finally here. Newsflash...Jackson is growing up. I knew it would happen - that it was happening - but I shouldn't have blinked because it's here already. Almost 9 months old and this is a little man with so much personality!

He's is such a wonderful little guy. Mostly always happy, smiling, giggling and crazy inquisitive, wanting to know how everything works (I think he get's that from daddy and his gadget obsession).

He's also (God bless him) the best sleeper EVER!! 12 hours a night since he was about 3 months old and 2 naps of about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. The Good Lord must have known my addiction to sleep and decided to show me A LOT of grace with this baby. Of course, I realize I just jinxed myself and that my second is almost certainly NOT going to be the same. But Jackson is the best.

At nap and bedtime he must have his little stuffed giraffe. It's so sweet how he just smiles, grabs it and buries his little face in it, so excited to have his nighttime and nap time companion with him. Even in his stroller at the airport, Mr. Giraffe is a must! (Thanks Sonja!)

(Pic 2 - My dad positioned the stuffed Tiger here while the baby was sleeping)

Jackson is also an amazing eater. This kid puts it away! For a while there was nothing he didn't like. But in the last month he seems to be developing a food personality and has decided some veggies are just worth spitting out. (By the way, the Summer Vegetable food from Earth's Best literally made him gag...and I tried it too, and it's AWFUL! Should be considered child abuse to feed that stuff!)

Jackson loves bath time. He kicks his feet like crazy and just smiles at the water.

So, when I saw a Groupon for British Swim School, I bought it and for the last month we've been taking swim classes once a week. He loves it...get's so excited and already I can hold him out by his head only as he floats.

We also go to play group each week at church (Cedarbrook Community Church) and I'm thinking of starting a Stroller Strides class so mommy can get back in shape! I'm going to need to be in shape now that he's crawling like crazy and diaper changes have become Olympic events...or maybe Gladiator competitions is a better description.

He also loves his dogs, Marty and Virginia. And they are so good with him. Virginia especially is so gentle with him and let's him grab her tail, her ear, or whatever without the least problem. Jackson especially likes to go to the dog park and see all the dogs run around. He's quite the hit there. We just carry him around in the Bjorn and he just squeals and giggles at all the doggies.


We had a great and busy summer with lots of travel and new experiences for the little guy. Back in June we went with my mom and grandparents to Stockbridge, MA to visit my Aunt Mary and her family. It was a great trip! I hadn't been there since back in college when I worked at the Red Lion Inn in the summer. It was nice to get back and spend time with family. I was amazed that Jackson did very well in the car for 8 hours (it helped that we had just traded in our Chevy Avalanche for a GMC Yukon Denali with lots of seating for all) and handled being in a new place so well. He seemed to especially enjoy being on the water all the times we went to various lakes.

Getting his feet wet for the first time in a lake!

Toes in the water!

Just cuteness!

Tom teaching Jackson how to be a captain

With Nana on the boat at Goose Pond

On the dock at the sailing club

He also got to meet my cousins.

With my cousin Ryan

And take pictures at a "historic" site.

At the Red Lion Inn

And mommy got to have some fun too. My mom and I learned to sail with my Aunt Mary and competed in some races at the boat club with her as her "jib girls".

It's a beautiful day for some for a sail race!

The next trip was at the beginning of August. It was Jackson's first trip to Nebraska, David's home state...which also meant his first flight. I have to admit I was really nervous. I don't mind flying, but I don't love it either...and the thought of flying with a baby just seemed to add more stress. But the trip out there wasn't too bad at all - except the fact that I couldn't be seated beside David and had to sit by a guy a little younger than me, breastfeeding practically the entire time with Jackson's little feet kicking him from under the cover. He put up with it really well and told me he had a 4 month old at home, which made me feel better, but still - weird! Anyway, most importantly Jackson had no trouble on the plane.

We had a lot of fun in Nebraska with Grandma Mary and Grandpa Curtis. It was also great to see David's siblings. Jackson got to meet his aunt Janell and uncle Bill for the first time, and got to see uncle Michael for a second time. He also got to meet his cousins (Bill's and Megan's daughters) for the first time.

Jackson with Grandma Folkerts

Jackson and Aunt Janell

Jackson and Uncle Michael

Jackson and Uncle Bill

Jackson with cousin Addison

I just love this picture...cousin abuse!

Jackson with cousin Evelyn

We also got to enjoy the York fair where Grandpa Curtis got to drive one of the antique tractors and Jackson got to see some little baby animals.

And, of course, we got to enjoy some time on the family farm.

David and I even got to "chase" a thunderstorm. Not a tornado producer, but still pretty cool. Nothing like storms on the plains!

It even produced a rainbow afterwards (but don't worry...it wasn't a double rainbow and I'm not going to freak out about it in the video like that guy...if you don't know what I'm talking about just watch this YouTube video...hilarious! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OQSNhk5ICTI).

The flight back was horrible. We got delayed in Detroit until 2am, which means we got back to Roanoke at 4am. Jackson couldn't lay down to sleep and therefore was very unhappy...but at about 1:30am he finally just passed out from crying. Nevertheless, he bounced back well the following days.

Our final summer trip was Labor Day weekend, when we spent the entire week prior to Labor Day in Salem, at my parent's house, and spent most of Labor Day weekend at my grandparent's farm in Patrick Co, VA. It was a relaxing end to a wonderful summer. Jackson got to spend some time with his Uncle Jason and his cousin Taylor who came in from West Virginia.

And as always, he has to get his time with his Great Grandmother Mosser, who we refer to as Nanu...and her dog, Mork.

I LOVE this picture because I think it shows how much they favor one another.

At his Great Grandma Tatum's house, he enjoyed watching everyone on the farm from the bay window while getting some yum yums! And he tried to flirt with an older woman...Ralph's wife, Sebata.

Jackson with Sebata

Great Grandma Tatum

It's been a truly wonderful time over the last few months with Jackson and various family and friends. I'm looking forward to Fall though, my favorite season, when we can take advantage of some cooler weather! No matter what the season, we just love our boy and seeing him grow!

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